University Of Salahaddin,Software Engineering

University Of Salahaddin, Software Engineering

University Of Salahaddin,Software Engineering

University Of Salahaddin, Software Engineering

Final Examination/First Attemp 2006-2007

Q1.[25 Marks] Write a program to display the following star shape using output statement and loop?


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Final Examination/First Attemp 2007-2008

Q1:[30 Marks] considering the string variable S which has the value , S="The programming language is always fun to learn". Answer the following:


A. [15 Marks] Fill the blank with the most subtitle java function or answer:

1.    the output S2="language" is the obtain using S2=s.substring(16,24);

2.    the output 'w' is obtain using s.charAt(30);

3.    the output S2="to learn" is obtain using s2=s.substring(39);

4.    to find the first index of letter 'a' we use indexOf("a");

5.    to find the next index of letter 'a' (the one following the first founded one) we use indexOf("a",indexOf("a")+1));


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